Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Don't Doubt Your Fortune Cookies

     The exact sentence that reveals Semrau's point of this article is "Quite simply, use what you have until it can no long function." The intent that Waldemar Semrau has in writing this article is to encourage people never to give up and waste their lives. Semrau discusses how there are three stages to one's professional life, each being 25 years long. At the age of 75, however, Semrau doesn't plan on ending his career and doing nothing the rest of his life. He intends on "going green", which means working until he no longer can. How will he do this? Semrau thought back to his dream of becoming a surgeon as a child. Now that he retired from his job as an engineer, Waldemar decided to finally follow that dream and go to medical school. Not just any medical school either; Harvard Medical School. All in all, his point of this article is to go green and conserve, reuse, and recycle yourself and your talents, because nothing good should ever go to waste.
     I think that Semrau's writing strategy was effective because by keeping information from the readers, we never fully understand his purpose until all of the facts come together.

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