Sunday, February 6, 2011


My day of silence went pretty well, in my opinion. Due to the two snow days prior to Friday, I forgot about the silence until Elijah Majeski walked into my first hour with a white board. As soon as I remembered the assignment, my lips were sealed. At first it was a big struggle not to talk or write messages to anyone. It became easier with my white board though after first hour. As the day went on, the assignment became kind of fun to me. I liked trying to figure out what people were trying to say with their drawings. Katherine Sutherland seemed to like it too during third hour with me and Kendra Martin. At lunch it was pretty quiet, except for Matt Godlewski who failed and talked (to himself) the whole time. There were times, however, that I couldn't get someone to understand what I was trying to draw or charade. Just like how Postman says the medium is the message, people understood my point differently than I hoped. That became a bit frustrating. My favorite part of the day was 8th hour Spanish because us 7th hour APLanguagers were finally allowed to talk, while 1st hour still couldn't. :)


  1. During lunch I got the same thing. Only one person at my lunch table could talk and they just talked to themselves the entire time. I also think that we all agree that it was frustrating not being able to get across the point of what you were trying to say.

  2. Lunch was entertaining listing to Matt ramble on while we played on our white boards. :) And it is incredible unfair that we still had to go another hour of silence and you didnt have to! Anyways I agree that people dont understand the message using the medium we were given.

  3. Let me just say that you're drawings were not that much better than mine, OKAY?! I don't care that I'm not a good artist. That's just the way it is and we're just going to have to deal with it, you know. I mean I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is.

    I agree with what you are saying that pretty much no one got the point of what we were trying to say because "the medium is the message." Your point is only as good as how you can get it across.

  4. Wow, way to throw me under the bus... I do not comprehend on how you found this assignment "fun". Only someone like you could find this task joyful.

    Next time you and Daisy pose for a picture, at least tell her to look into the camera. I thought you would have taught her that by now... Step up your game. ------->
